

Eis Stad:

D’Stad Lëtzebuerg ass déi gréissten an eelste Stad am Land an och zugläich Haaptstad.

Lëtzebuerg war eng fréier Festungsstad. Am 19. Jorhonnert gouf e groussen Deel vun der Festung ofgerappt. Amplaz vun de Maueren a Grief goufe breet Stroossen a Parken ugeluecht. 1994 sinn d’Iwwerreschter vun de Festungsmaueren wéi och Deeler vun der Alstad an d’Lëscht vun der Unesco Weltkulturierwen opgeholl ginn.

Mat de ville Banken, den europäeschen Institutiounen an de ville Geschäfter huet sech Lëtzebuerg haut zu enger moderner a multikultureller Stad entwéckelt. An der Haaptstad wunnen iwwer 100.000 Leit woubäi méi ewéi d’Halschent Auslänner sinn. an

Eis Schoul:

No der Grondschoul ginn d’Schüler an den allgemengen oder an den techneschen Secondaireunterrecht orientéiert.

Eis Schoul, de Lycée Technique vu Bouneweg ass en technesche Lycée deen op d’Beruffsliewe virbereet an eng allgemeng, sozial an technesch Ausbildung garantéiert. Eenzel Ausbildungsweeër erlaben awer och den Zougang zu engem Universitéit-oder Héichschouldiplom.

Eis Schoul gouf gegrënnt 1983 an aktuell sinn ëm déi 2050 Schüler an eisem Lycée. D’Leitmotiv vun eiser Schoul ass ”Léiere fir ze sinn” a setzt de Schüler an de Mëttelpunkt. Et setzt viraus dat all Partner Direktioun, Enseignanten, Elteren an Schüler un engem Strang zéie fir dat d’Schüler sech kënnen entfalen, sech géigesäiteg ënnerstëtzen a weider kommen.

Eise Lycée offréiert och den Enseignement Préparatoire fir Schüler déi de Niveau no der Grondschoul net erreecht hunn fir am Enseignement Secondaire oder Secondaire Technique ugeholl ze gi. D’Zil ass et hei de Schüler esou ze encadréieren fir dat hien dat néidegt Wësse krit fir am Enseignement Secondaire Technique weider ze kommen oder hien op eng Léier hin ze orientéieren.

Eist Land:

Eis Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg, mat un der Spëtzt eise Groussherzog Henri, läit am Weste vun Europa, tëscht der Belsch, Däitschland a Frankräich. Lëtzebuerg gehéiert zu de klengste Länner an Europa an ass 2586 km2 grouss.

D’Land ëmfaasst zwou verschidde Landschaften, am Norden d’Éislek mat den Ardennen, dem Stauséi an de Buergen a Schlässer an am Süden d’Guttland mat dem Wäibau an der Muselgéigend, de Fielsen a Bëscher an dem Mëllerdall an dem Terres rouges Gebitt am Minette.

Eis Landessprooch ass Lëtzebuergesch an dernieft sinn och d’Franséisch an d’Däitsch offiziell Sproochen, déi an den Administratioune benotzt ginn.


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Our City:

Luxembourg is a modern city with deep roots. In 1994 the massive fortifications and the historical old town were listed as UNESCO World Heritage. Nowadays, high-tech buildings run alongside historic monuments reflecting a rich tapestry of urban experience. Renowned for its banking center, the city of Luxembourg is the headquarters of many European institutions. Capital of a small country, Luxembourg City is nevertheless a lively and bustling town. A real cultural platform, it abounds in venues for artistic expression, such as museums, theatres and concert halls. The centre of the country is also home to no less than 150 different nationalities that have chosen to live in a city at the heart of action. One third of the surface of the city of Luxembourg is covered with beautifully landscaped green spaces. The abundance of parks and gardens, passing through the capital of Luxembourg makes a green belt where life is good. and

Our school:

The schooling system in Luxembourg is divided into the secondary system and the technical secondary system.

Our school Lycée Technique de Bonnevoie is a technical secondary school situated in the south of Luxembourg City. It has been founded in 1983. Currently we have 2050 pupils registered coming from 49 different countries.

In a technical secondary school the focus is put on technical education leading to specific professions. It provides access to higher education as well as preparation for professional life. Pupils who wish to enter working life may do that at the end of year 9 when compulsory education finishes. The technical secondary school also offers preparatory courses. Theses classes are for pupils who did not obtain the required level of competencies in primary education. It aims to complete the pupils’ general education in French, German and Mathematics, to understand which trade matches their interests and talents and to provide preparation for working life, an apprenticeship as well as the lower stream of the technique system.

Learn to be is the guiding principal of our school, as we define our school to be a community where pupils are at the centre of our concerns. We encourage teachers, parents, students and the board of directors to create together an institution of challenge, individual encouragement and cooperation.

Our country:

Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in Europe. The country is about 2,586 square kilometres in size and measures 82 km long and 57 km wide. Luxembourg has about 549.700 inhabitants and nearly 50% are foreigners.

Luxembourg is bordered by Belgium, Germany and France and comprises two principal regions, the Oesling in the north with the Ardennes and their nature parks and the Gutland with the region of the Moselle, the hilly landscape of Mullerthal and the Land of the Red Rocks in the south of the country.

As a representative democracy with a constitutional monarch, the Grand-Duke Henry of Luxembourg heads Luxembourg, the worlds only remaining grand duchy.

Three languages are recognised as official in Luxembourg: French, German and Luxembourgish.

Download the presentation to school, city and country

Here you can find our Powerpoint presentation of Luxembourg as a .pptx download.
